Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Messy Office

Dear....God...please help me to never ever accumulate this much junk again!!! 

Here are the excuses:
I've moved 4 times in 4 years and even though I did get rid of a lot of stuff each time, apparently I didn't get rid of enough.  So I finally decided I'd go through each room and get them all organized in such a way they would be easier to clean and just contain less needless junk.  But where does all that needless junk go?  It goes to the last room I tackle - my office...and it goes there to be fruitful and multiply. 

I created a mountain of the madness and today I finally conquered that mountain. 

The office is clean.  There are a few things I still have to get for it, but behold the cleanliness:

We still need to get new office chairs and eventually we'll get John a real desk instead of this table - but it works for now.

 And no - those aren't his ribbons - this is the office/craft/wrapping room and oh so much more. 

I freakin love my desk.  It has that traditional look, but is still a computer desk with lots of room and no wasted space.  And yeah - no curtain yet.  The bright white sheet looks amazing though lol.  You would be surprised how hard it is to find bright white blackout curtain panels.  I mean isn't white a common color - uh I mean non color or abundance of color...whatever.  And what is that growing on my desk?

Yeah that's right - I totally found this plant that produces electronics.

So cute - I love it!  My camera and phone's new home.  Yep - it's a charging station.  And just when I thought I couldn't get any more nerdy...had to put my little Ikea light over the top so the grass can get its photosynthesis on.

As you can see it looks pretty bare (but clean!) so as I get shipments in and get some things completed, I will update this blog with photos of the progress.  Such as the new chairs, the new gadgets, the artwork, dry erase board etc etc.

But I couldn't end the blog without mentioning this awesome thing:

The picture I took of mine turned out too blurry, but here it is.  This is a wrapping paper holder.  I outgrew the one I had.  I don't put it over the door - it's in the closet.  This one holds a lot of paper neatly and see that little pouch situation at the bottom?  Yeah that detaches.  So your ribbons and scissors and tape can go with you wherever.  I'm also thinking about putting my cards in there.  Love love love it!!! 

Love & Gratitude,
Erica Nicole
Also - in a previous post I had discussed creating a new blog about weight loss after my office was clean.  It is in the works and I will update this post with the link as soon as I have it.  I'm settling into this office and getting a schedule worked out which will include an exercise program.  It is definitely on the way!

This chair just arrived for the office

I looove it so far.  It is so much more comfortable than you'd think.  The backrest isn't meant to really be leaned against all the time - the ball sits you straight up.
The claims are that it "relieves stress on the spine, helps prevent back discomfort and repetitive motion disorders, helps prevent health issues related to poor posture, illustrates non-impact strengthening exercises and stretching, keeps you active, even on busy work days."

Link for my new 'fat' blog:

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