Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bieber, Kardashian, Gaga, TMZ, Trump, Hilton, Oprah

There.  Think my blog will go up in search results? 

In addition to the little (but important) things such as hosting information, schedules, keeping up with various blogs and profiles, some minor networking, and reading business related material...I am now concentrating on marketing. 

The tricky thing is - I'm not actually marketing Small Goalz, but this blog that is about starting Small Goalz. 


The problem - how do you know a blog is ready?  It's a little scary trying to get the world interested in a blog about an idea.  Will they try to steal it?  Will they get sick of it before it even begins?

I know the avenues of marketing, but where do I begin?  If you catch me in a daydream lately I'm thinking of viral stunts, ad copy, business plans, and defending my blog against criticism (which oddly enough these criticisms adopt the faces of people from my life - you know those people in your life you want to show a thing or two and that you're 100 percent sure are going to be the first ones to rip you apart the first chance they get). 

The thing is - I'm not afraid of criticism - in fact I live for it - a little too much maybe.  I tend to create scenarios that put people in situations where they have to fess up.  Do you love it or hate it?!  Because it's always been black and white with me, baby.  No gray!  If you don't love me, you hate me.  I can deal with the hate, but I cannot deal with someone pretending. 

But the world isn't like that.  There are so many gray areas and learning to thrive in the gray has been my greatest challenge with my own personality and emotions. 

So as I continue through this marketing process,  I am seeing the 'views' of my blog shoot up quickly and on a daily basis - yet I see only a few loyal followers - whom I appreciate more than words can say - and a scant amount of comments.

I immediately begin the inner tirade of what could I have said to spark more interest, is there anything offensive in my post, should I have put more pictures in the blog to engage and grab attention?

But here's the reality:  Asking myself those questions isn't a bad thing - it only sparks improvement.  Blogs also tend to be somewhat specialized.  Even if this site that I am creating goes after a broad array of people, this blog won't be interesting to anyone except those who have similar feelings as I do.

Not everyone is a customer or a reader and that's okay.  And don't mistake that comment for complacency.  I would advertise my blog to everyone and give them the opportunity to take a gander, but I cannot put everyone into the category of LOVE or HATE.  There is the I DON'T LIKE TO READ, BUT IF I DID I'D READ YOUR BLOG group, there's the I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE WRITING group,  there's the WHAT YOU WRITE DOES NOT PERTAIN TO ME SO WHY SHOULD I BE INTERESTED group, and so many other gray areas.  Not everyone is a customer or a reader and that's okay.

But even so, you could follow or click a link for god's sake.  Kidding, kidding.  Learn to laugh :-P

Love & Gratitude,
Erica Nicole 

P.S. I'd love to hear from anyone who has been successful in their marketing endeavors - what worked and what didn't?  : )

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