Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Personal Empires

By personal empire, I simply mean a variety of avenues that will be of value and interest to the public.

For instance, my dream is to have my own magazine and a profitable website.  This is the journey I'll be blogging on.  A huge undertaking, very scary, but oh so exciting! 

An example I love to use on 'homemade' personal empires is Kandee Johnson.  Kandee is an extremely talented makeup artist and hair stylist, but instead of just going to work and coming home from set everyday - Kandee decided to expand her empire and marketability by beginning to blog and then vlog (video blog).  She utilized blogspot and youtube.  After gaining a whole lot of popularity (much deserved, I might add), she began to hold 'glaminars' and teach what she knows regarding makeup and share her falls and triumphs in her own personal life. 

My biggest fear of sharing Kandee's success here, is that I will lose any readers I have to her - she is amazing and inspiring and her videos on youtube are as addicting as candy (original - I know). 
I would have never known about her if it weren't for youtube.  Thank God for the internet and it's many tools.  Because she decided she had more to offer than just making people look pretty...she now makes people feel pretty inside and out. 
As you can tell she is one of my inspirations and I'm definitely not alone.  You can bet when I'm down and out during this journey...one of my go-to's will be watching a pick me up vid by Kandee.

I will be mentioning many of my inspirations throughout this blog.  Those who are successful despite their struggles or because of them inspire me to no end.  I love rooting for people along the way and learning what makes them lovable to the masses. 

Taking the pain and suffering all humans feel at some point and turning it into something positive is a gift we all need to learn. 

In my next blog I'd really like to post one of the tools I used in finding what I wanted to do with my life. 

Love and Gratitude,
Erica Nicole

P.S.  You can get addicted to Kandee, but remember me!!!  ;-)


  1. I honored to red such an awesome post about lil ol me!!!! thanks!!! love your writing! xoxo

  2. Wow! I am honored to have you be my first comment! I may have cried a little lol. I just started this last night so the fact you are my first comment...I think you kinda made my year here. Ha ha - thanks! xoxo
